How can I find cheap apartments in St. Pete?

Although some areas indigenous to the St. Pete area do tend to be in higher demand in regards to living areas as opposed to some other parts of the city, there are still areas where you can find cheaper living communities. Depending on your budget and what you expect to pay per month, you can definitely find luxury lofts and serene communities within your spending range. Vatage Point community, located on Gandy Blvd, offers nice upgrades in their living units such as granite counter tops and stainless steal appliances. You can expect to pay under 700 bucks for a one bedroom, which is a fantastic deal in this area! If you are not set on a specific area to live in, try using our search tools to aid you in yours search for St. Pete apartments. To find which living communities are within your budget, you can begin your search by using our rent per month option. Move the number scale to select the number you would like to spend each month. Once you have selected your range, a list of communities will populate the page that meets your search criteria.

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