While it seems like the majority of people living in Tampa have a car, there are still some public transportation options near Tampa apartments. The differences between the ones that are offered are based upon their locations. This is especially helpful for anyone renting apartments and working in the same area. Just be sure to be aware of the bus route times and plan your trips accordingly.
Probably the most well-known form of public transportation near Tampa apartments is the Hillsbourough Area Regional Transit, or HART bus. HART serves the people of Hillsborough County and keeps the commuter in mind. Many Tampa apartments have these bus stops right outside their community gates. HART runs seven days a week, so it is very convenient for anyone with a unique work schedule. While they do offer the typical bus fare, be sure to check out their website or app to obtain any specials or their Flex Pass. They also offer other services such as in-town trolleys, vanpools, park and ride services and much more.
For a unique experience, people living in Tampa apartments should try commuting on the TECO Line Streetcar. This historic mode of transportation will bring you back to yesteryear with an old-fashioned replica of a cable car. The system was revamped to support continued growth in Downtown, Channelside and Ybor City. The first phase of the streetcar system is a 2.4 mile section that connects these three areas. This has helped with Tampa's thriving cruise industry as well as transporting workers to and from work. The second phase of the system extends north on Franklin Street and connects more than 35,000 people who work in the area to almost every major downtown parking structure. If you live in Tampa apartments alongside the streetcar line, you may be eligible for fare discounts. Be sure to check their website for more info.
If you live or work in the St. Pete area, the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority, or PSTA, will be what you need to take from your Tampa apartments. While it services the people of St. Pete with over 200 buses, 5,000 bus stops and 40 routes, it also includes two express routes into the city of Tampa. Residents have limitless options! They can live on the beach and work in the city, or vice versa. Their website and app has real-time updates on bus routes and arrival times. Special deals on fares happen as well, so be sure to keep an eye out for those if you're a frequent traveler.
Some of the other bus lines in the Tampa apartments area include the Manatee County Area Transit (MCAT), servicing the residents of Manatee County, Bradenton and the surrounding areas; Pasco County Public Transportation (PCPT), which operates through east and west Pasco counties along State Road 54; Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT), which services the residents of Sarasota and the surrounding areas; The USF Bull Runner Shuttle, which transports USF students back and forth from their Tampa apartments and to campus; and many other options for carpooling, taxis and much more.
When taking public transportation from your Tampa apartments, be sure to keep a few things in mind. Always bring an umbrella with you, because the weather in Florida, especially in the summer, is very unpredictable. Always try and show up to your stop about 5 minutes early. You don't want to miss your ride! Also, most of the services listed above offer full-service websites and apps that allow you to track the bus, plan your route, and buy discounted fare specials and much more. Be sure to have this info handy on your phone for when you need a quick ride.