Apartment bathrooms can be small and, quite frankly, a little boring. A collaboration of calm colors, organization techniques and personalized fixtures can turn even the smallest bathroom into a relaxing escape.
Whether you are cooking a treasured family recipe or thumbing through your news feed while brewing a morning cup o' joe, you want a kitchen that is organized and practical. Check out these tips for ways to utilize and decorate limited kitchen space to reach maximum culinary potential.
Chances are, your new living room is the largest space in your new apartment, and with the right decorating tips it can be an awesome testament to your personal style. Choose a color that inspires you, dress up the windows with curtains that pop, and pick the right furniture to fill your space.
Get inspired and turn your new place into a space that truly feels like home. A careful combination of your favorite colors, knick-knacks, and photographed memories can make any unfamiliar new apartment feel like a home.